Thompson Rivers University 50th Anniversary

TRU COVID Response

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TRU COVID Response

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Our 2023 fall semester will be unlike any other. We’re expecting the unexpected, and planning how to make an unusual year a great year.

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We are still accepting program applications for the fall semester.

Browse programs Apply now

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Registration for the fall semester is now open.

Register for courses

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The following webinars are being offered for future and returning students:

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Prospective students and parents: Learn what funding options are available to help reduce the financial costs of attending TRU.

More upcoming info sessions

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At Thompson Rivers University, student success is our priority. We empower our students to reach their goals with on-campus and online learning options, individualized student services, hands-on learning opportunities, and a diverse, inclusive environment.

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Map of British Columbia

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A hub for travel, Kamloops is 3.5 hours from Vancouver, and a day’s drive from Calgary, Prince George, Victoria or Seattle.

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TRU heads collaborative research into wildfires

The Province of BC has invested $5 million for the establishment of the BC Research Chair in Predictive Services, Emergency Management and Fire Science, to be based at TRU.


TRU introduces First-Year Student Resiliency Fund

北京突发疫情,重磅政策加速落地,A股要大变天了!-爱股君 ...:【北京突发疫情,重磅政策加速落地,A股要大变天了!】周末北京疫情刷屏了,从“战时机制”到“进入非常时期”,这些词总是有种莫名的悲怆。爱股君就身在海淀,太难了!这次疫情集中在新发地,这名字取的,有点邪门了。疾控专家表示,新发地病毒基因测序发现来自欧洲方向,初步判定与 ...

Searching for signs of COVID-19 in Kamloops’ sewage

TRU's Jonathan Van Hamme is leading a team looking to detect signs of COVID-19 in the city's sewage.

More from the TRU Newsroom
TRU Kamloops Campus

Canada's first platinum-ranked sustainable university

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Recipients of the Desire2Learn awards in 2018 and 2023, and the Alan Blizzard Award in 2023 from the Society for Teaching and Learning in High Education


Thompson Rivers University campuses are on the traditional lands of the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc (Kamloops campus) and the T’exelc (Williams Lake campus) within Secwépemc'ulucw, the traditional and unceded territory of the Secwépemc people. Our region also extends into the territories of the Stat’imc, Nlaka’pamux, Nuxalk, Tsilhqot'in, Dakelh and Métis peoples.

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